1752. A view of Highgate from Traytor's Hill
This was a postcard image is an etching and engraving produced by Jean Baptiste Chatelain, with the title spelt as above written in both English and French.

1820s. View of Highgate from Parliament Hill Fields.

1841. Highgate Church from Parliament Hill, by EH Dixon.

1850s, Parliament Hill Fields.
My favourite thing about this painting is the person you can just about make about nestled in the top of the hay bale.

1860, The Tumulus, near Parliament Hill Fields, looking out towards Highgate Church

1886, Parliament Hill Fields by Frank Murray

1884. The garden party given by the Hampstead Heath Extension Committee
Visit this page to read about how the Heath came to be public property.

1885, Hampstead Heath Garden Party, from Parliament Hill toward London
Potentially this might be another image of a Hampstead Heath Extension Committee event.
1896, Book or newspaper clipping of Parliament Hill, looking north west.
Early 1900s, the Bandstand in Parliament Hill Fields

Early 1900s, postcard of Hampstead from Parliament Hill
1903, Hampstead from Parliament Hill.
This appears to be the photograph on which the colour postcard is based, no?

Early 1900s kite flying in Parliament Hill Fields

Early 1900s, Parliament Hill Fields entrance

1904, Highgate from Parliament Hill

1905, Parliament Hill from Merton Lane

1905, Parliament Hill

1906, Parliament Hill from Hampstead side

1907, Parliament Hill sheep
For centuries, farmers brought their sheep via the Heath to the livestock markets in London.

1907, Parliament Hill sledging

1907, A postcard of Parliament Hill
I think those must be sand pits in the foreground.
1908. Parliament Hill Fields bandstand.

1909, Tobogganing on Parliament Hill Fields

1910, the view from Parliament Hill
1911, Sheep on the Heath

1913. Parliament Hill by James Hamilton Hay

1914. The view over London from Parliament Hill.

1918, London from Parliament Hill by George F. Carline.
1921, on Parliament Hill

1929, the view from Parliament Hill.
Look how smoggy it is. Cloudy, perhaps, but probably smoggy.
1932. Parliament Hill, the view over London.

1933, sheep on the Heath